Knitting Category
Sweet Shawlettes review / blog tour
Today I’m hosting a stop on the blog tour for Jean Moss‘ new book Sweet Shawlettes. First of all: KITTY!!!…
Sorting the yarn…
My mom is using her artistic genius to sort my yarn by color on the wall at the studio. I…
So, we got married.
And you thought your holiday weekend was busy? What started as one of our stock pretend fights Monday evening (“my…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ghost Pilgrims : A Thanksgiving Carol from Scott Benson on Vimeo. Scott is Bethany of Cleo Dee’s husband. If you…
Heading into crazy shopping weekend…
Help me and the rest of the people who make Cooperative Press awesome spread the word about shopping indie this…
Sailor's Valentine
This spring, I was in New England giving a presentation to a yarn company, and the flight details just made…
In stark contrast to the last post…
WOVEMBER! A joint project between two people I admire very much, Kate Davies and Felicity Ford. From the About page:…
Rhinebeck post #1 + SXSW
(Why #1? Because there’s definitely more than one post’s worth of stuff to say!) First, check out some of the…
Hey kids, let's put on a show
Here’s the thing: I am a reasonably confident person, but I can be supercritical of my work and myself. It’s…
If you like pattern PDFs, thank Steve.
 Without you, the pattern PDFs of the world (and SO much more) wouldn’t be nearly as beautiful. Take it…