Posted in Knitting
September 11, 2006

New Knitty (and therefore KnittySpin) is up!

Happy fourth birthday, Knitty! I’d send you a cake, but I suspect it’d get squooshed in the mail, or pesky customs officers would stick their fingers in and mess up the frosting… remind me, and I’ll buy you cupcakes next month.

Speaking of: it’s not too late to support Team Knitty and win killer prizes. Go on. You know you want to…

Knitty-love! There’s lots to love in the new issue, including (cough cough) an interview with me and an exclusive pattern from my new book Spin to Knit, namely Jillian Moreno’s superfine Orangina scarf. Oh, how I covet that scarf. She’s gonna have to pry it out of my cold hands (off my cold neck?) when it comes time to return it.

Also, new dates have been added to the events page, both book tour-related and otherwise.

I just got back from a lovely (though too short) vacation and will have some new knitterly things to share with you when I get caught up. Let’s just say this: Halcyon Yarn is a must-visit shop if you ever find yourself on the coast of my favorite state, Maine. Oh, and live lobsters gave me an idea for a dye colorway…

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1 comment

  • pippi

    such a GREAT interview!
    and ah! how i love that scarf!!

    Reply to pippi

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