October 1, 2006

Spin to Knit Secret Pal Swap begins!

Sign up here! Here are the details, from the site:

By participating in the Handspun Secret Pals Swap you’ll receive two handspun skeins of yarns — one in January and one in February 2007 — from your anonymous upstream secret pal; in return, you are also required to mail two handspun skeins in two months to your assigned downstream pal. This exchange is open to spinners everywhere, with pal categories for beginner, intermediate, and advanced spinners; participants are required to have a blog and skeins must be handspun by you.

I can’t wait!

Optional, but fun: if you want to show off your handspun yarns here on the blog, send a two-yard snip to me at PO Box 112312, Cleveland, OH 44111. I’ll either knit or weave them into a larger piece (don’t worry, I won’t identify whose is whose right away, we don’t want to give your Pal any clues!) to show off at the end of the swap.

I love the idea of seeing everyone’s work side by side, joined together. It’s a physical representation of the kinds of connections these swaps create: hand by hand, we craft for each other and share our love and skill. This idea draws inspiration from Spin-Off magazine’s Your Skeins section — given a bare outline (spin merino, spin dog fur, spin rare breed sheep), isn’t it amazing how different each spinner’s take can be? That’s why I love handspun yarn so much.

If you want to send in samples, make sure to write your name and blog address inside the envelope so I know who you are. Happy spinning!

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  • pippi

    what a wonderful idea!!

    and i wanted to let you know HOW sexy spin to knit looks on the shelves.
    i talked with people at B&N when i was there yesterday and told them that there were a few vermont fiber artists featured, and they are going to put a few in the front of the store on the vermont interest table! :))

    Reply to pippi
  • Pingback: Spin to Knit swap deadline at knitgrrl (Edit)

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