Posted in Knitting
June 20, 2006

Secret Pal times two!

Hello, One Skein Secret Pal! Wow, Jaime and Laura really know how to pick ’em, don’t they? This arrived today from my Pal, who lives half a mile from where I used to live, on the Cambridge side of Porter Square. I was on the Somerville side — with my favorite yarn store smack dab between us! And in fact, this lovely hand-dyed, handspun skein was picked out with assistance from Lucy at Mind’s Eye, who helped her find exactly the kind of yarn I adore. Thanks to both of you — it’s beautiful! Also in the box: dark chocolate, which fortunately did not melt in this hideous heat. You must be a mindreader, that’s all I can say. I hope we’ll get to meet when I’m in town this fall!

Without giving too much away, I think I put together a cool box for my Pal. Some handspun, some unusual commercial yarn (in coordinating colors), plus a few special surprises that you can’t get in any store…

And this is a not-secret-pal surprise box that arrived today! One of my fellow Sheep Thrills mailing list friends is in Nepal right now, so I asked her to keep an eye out for the Green Tara amulets I like to use as stitch markers. Not only did she find 5 of them in different sizes, but she also threw in some gorgeous banana fiber yarn and a silky little zippered container perfect for notions. Thank you, Joy, they’re fantastic!

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1 comment

  • Your SP

    Aw, I’m so glad you like it! I hope the chocolate is good. It sounded like a Chunky, except, well, appetizing! 🙂 It also came from Porter Square: Cambridge Naturals moved in a few weeks ago; it used to be on Mass Ave, halfway to Harvard. Hope to see you in the fall, and looking forward to your next surprise in July!

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