Faux Fair Isle sweater from Spin to Knit
How much does Nikol love the Faux Fair Isle sweater from Spin to Knit?
Thanks for the lovely writeup! Not so sure I could post G-rated photos of anything I knit from your book, but I will admit the pirate gear intrigued a certain male member of this household, who received an all-pirate-theme gift for Valentine’s Day.
(For the terminally curious: he got me an NHL Greatest Goals DVD narrated by Denis Leary and a book about Joss Whedon and existentialism. Yes, Buffy’s Joss Whedon).
NHL Greatest Goals!?! That is an amazing gift! I wanna see it 🙂 I didn’t know you were a hockey fan too 🙂
I had a two-and-a-half-week migraine over the holidays. Sheer hell. Especially after not having them for fifteen years. I don’t know what you are using, but Maxalt has been a life-saver for me (After they had to use prednizone to break the initial migraine). You know it’s bad when you don’t want to knit. Or in my case knit or read.
I am making this sweater right now. It is my first sweater. So far, so good!
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