Archives for November 2006

Felt Frenzy is available for preorder

Check it out (click the link to go to its Amazon page)! I’m really excited about this book. I love…

Dorothy, Toto and me…

Greetings from Kansas City, which is sunny and dry and beautiful — a marked contrast to the drizzly hair nightmare…


I want a bison cozy (photo by Amy Singer)! Read all about Amy and Jillian‘s trip out west to visit…

Spin to Knit swap deadline

Avast, yarn pirates! The Spin to Knit swap deadline is approaching fast! Join the hundreds of other spinners of all…

Is this NaKniSweMo or OrMorYrnMo*?

Sheesh. Someone stop me, please. I now have in my possession the means of making at least 6 different sweaters…

I am not a violent person…

…but two incidents at Handmade Arcade this weekend almost changed that. 1. What about my merchandise says “write something on…

(Recycled) felt frenzy

You have got to check out this post by soon-to-be-author Betz White. My editor at Adorn magazine pointed me her…

This weekend: 3 crafty events

This is going to be a long weekend, my friends! Here’s where you can find me: Friday night: the Cleveland…

Holiday Heifer International fundraising

Donate to Heifer International between now and 6 January 2007 (my birthday, *cough cough*) and win fabulous prizes. Send me…

Chicago + yarn, yarn, yarn

I am a bad, bad Knitgrrl. I did not manage to make it up north for the (fabulous) Dulaan Knit-In…