December 12, 2007

Time flies when you’re on deadline!

I just got back from the Bust Craftacular in NYC and Boston Bazaar Bizarre (there’s a cool article about the Bazaar and my friends’ shop Magpie here).

I made my first (lame) video with my Flip. Said Flip is currently missing in the detritus of my drive back from New England and I am praying very hard it isn’t actually lost or stolen, as I’ve got some cool interviews with fabric designer Heather Ross; Callie Janoff, the founder of Church of Craft and Diana Rupp from Make Workshop.

Oh, please show up somewhere in my bags, little Flip! Sure, I could order a new one, but how would I remake the interview videos? And I can’t search too too hard because I’m on deadline.

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1 comment

  • Jennifer

    Good luck with the search. If you are anything like me, I’m sure it will turn up. I “lose” stuff regularly in my car.

    Reply to Jennifer

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