October 17, 2006

Team Knitty — over $12,000 raised!

Team Knitty 2006 

It’s official, my mind is blown.

Team Knitty has raised $12,327.50 for breast cancer research as of today, and it’s not too late to donate! You’ve got ’til the end of the month. Why, my living room is overflowing with prizes to be had! Visit this page and give, give, give til it hurts. My suggested amount? As much as you’d expect to spend in 3 hours at Rhinebeck. How’s that for an ambitious number?

Thanks again to everyone who donated, who walked, who showed up to brunch afterwards… you know who you are.

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1 comment

  • Lisa

    Congratulations – that’s an awesome total. I’ll be heading on over to add some more. Thanks for visiting my blog and for the link. I did order some books. I was so surprised to see your comment and of course wondered how you ever found me! 🙂

    Reply to Lisa

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