February 15, 2008

Knitgrrl’s editor is funny

I’ve just returned from the Craft and Hobby Association tradeshow in California, and all I can say is this: we knitters have nothing on the scrapbookers in terms of stash. We were hanging out in Watson-Guptill’s booth when my editor returned from walking the floor. She slumped into a chair and said: “The next time our printers tell us there’s a paper shortage, I’m pointing them towards the scrapbookers!”

Seriously, the show was about 3/4 scrapbooking and papercraft. I was expecting at least a little bit more, fiber- and fabric-wise. Though, Lion Brand did a mini-fashion show, narrated by the always-hilarious Adina Klein, and I was excited to see Bernat adding soy, bamboo and organic cotton to their lineup.


Now the bad news — aforementioned Bernat bamboo is blended with acrylic and feels like plastic / looks shiny and cheap. Surprisingly, the soy/acrylic isn’t the same way, which makes me think it’s something in the processing. That bamboo made me sad. Their organic cotton is gorgeous, though, so let’s give them credit for that.

Xan and I did a few signings of our book AlterNation (which has its own blog here), and I signed my new book from Chronicle, The Pillow Book. Several friends were at the show, including Susan Beal of Susanstars* and Natalie Zee Drieu from CRAFT. Also, I had wonderful participants in both the seminars I gave, which made them that much more fun to do.

In short, good times.

If you haven’t already seen it yet, might I recommend checking out the Berroco design studio blog? Great stuff from Norah Gaughan, a designer whose work I adore. I think I want to knit a beet now.

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  • andi

    so if we did a knitted scrapbook deal, would we be millionaires?

    Reply to andi
  • stariel

    Wow, sounds like you’ve been busy!

    I totally don’t need another hobby, but scrapbooking does sound a bit alluring. Except I do always *mean* to put photos in books, but it often ends up being too much work. 😉

    Reply to stariel

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