Posted in Knitting
August 7, 2006

Knitgrrl on Knitcast

It’s up! Earlier this year I did an interview with the lovely Marie Irshad of KnitCast… and now you can listen to it here.

I just found out it was posted a few minutes ago, and haven’t heard it yet, but there are a few things you should know, lest you think that…

  • I talk too fast
  • I talk too slow

We had some technical difficulties during the interview — my PowerBook and massive headphones (think ‘late 1970s/early 1980s listening to your record player-sized’) were giving me weird feedback over Skype, so I’d hear myself talking as I was answering Marie’s questions. Believe me, that’ll throw you off. And if you think I talk too fast, well… that’s just the caffeine.

Marie’s got the best voice, don’t you think? Next to her, I probably sound really hyper. It was a fun interview, though.

Funny story: my fairy knitmother Jillian was watching me on Uncommon Threads last week with her kids. One wouldn’t stop jumping up and down on the couch with excitement and the other one pointed at me on the TV and said “Shannon come pway?”

Like the Grinch, my heart grew three sizes that day.

How cute is that? The answer of course is yes, I will come play as soon as I finish all these books, buddy. You supply the lightsabers, though. My boyfriend talked me out of buying the ones that make all the noises for you last week.

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  • Pam Gillette

    Congrats on all your success, KnitCast is soooo cool. I missed the Uncommon Threads show but plan to catch a re-run, I’m flying to LA to tape for Uncommon Threads too. I love the line…Like the Grinch, my heart grew three sizes that day. I love your work and your blog is fun to read. Cheers to you!!

    Reply to Pam Gillette
  • Your SP

    Yay! I saw your name in iTunes and did a double-take. (I had just seen your name in my inbox as well; thought it was the sleep deprivation.)

    Great interview. I didn’t realize you were Anezka Handmade; I bookmarked that last xmas when I was looking up bazaar bizarre.

    Your book sounds great; the description has got me itching to pick up my spindle. I took a lesson from Lucy in February after my SP7 pal sent me a spindle, but then I spent the next month in DC for work, and it fell by the wayside.

    Must… finish… work… first…

    Reply to Your SP
  • Licha Ybarra-Berry

    I have your book “knitgrrl2”, and I was trying to make the “full-of-holes scarf”, and to my surprise does not have how many stitches I need to cast on?????? I hope you can help me. Thank you

    Reply to Licha Ybarra-Berry

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