Posted in Knitting
November 20, 2005

Knitgrrl 2 is available for preorder!

Just noticed this morning on Amazon: Knitgrrl 2 is available for preorder, and they’re listing the publication date as January, which is considerably sooner than I’d thought! Hurrah! Perhaps there will be copies to sign at the next tradeshow after all…

The Amazon listing doesn’t show the cover yet, but you can see it here on the sidebar. Also please note Amazon says it has 15 all-new patterns, but in fact, there’s 16. Can’t count on Amazon for accuracy, you see. They don’t even have the correct cover for the first Knitgrrl book posted, despite my efforts to get it fixed. Powells.com, online home of the venerable Powell’s Books in Portland, changed it immediately when I let them know. If that isn’t a good reason to love indie bookstores, I don’t know what is…

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