Posted in Knitting
September 14, 2007

I plead stupidity

Dear Knitgrrl Show listeners,

On behalf of my deadline-weary brain, overexcited emotions (see previous post) and perhaps more than a minor case of the stupids, I apologize. You see, almost an hour ago, I was supposed to be interviewing my idol and yours (this is not me being funny, by the way — Amy is totally my idol), Amy Singer, the founding editor of Knitty.com. What was I in fact doing? Knitting something for a crazy-soon deadline, and not even realizing it was Friday.

I am not kidding on this. So convinced was I that this was not in fact Friday that I left my laptop at home (the shop computer’s no good for doing the podcast).

So. We’re rescheduling. Amy was kind enough to call it “technical difficulties” on the Knittyboard when really it was brain difficulties on my part.

HOWEVER, something good has come of this — I note some requests to have the show later in the day on our reschedule date so the PST listeners can join in. If Amy’s willing, I am, too. So I’ll post the new time as soon as it’s agreed upon… thinking perhaps 9 or 10 p.m. EST?

A SUPER-SPECIAL APOLOGY GOES TO: Brenda Dayne of Cast On, who I hear was postponing a bath so she could listen. Brenda, I owe you some bath salts and a new rubber duckie; please mail me your shipping address.

A very frazzled Knitgrrl

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  • Libilou

    Actually, cool! My sound isn’t working on my computer, so I could not have listened. I’m excited now. 🙂

    Reply to Libilou
  • etcgirl

    Heh. You sound a little too familiar to be comfortable, know whatti mean? I lose a day alla time. We’ll be waiting – we have knitting!

    Reply to etcgirl

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