March 23, 2010

Designer 101: the class

Never let it be said that I’m not responsive to direct requests! I had the most lovely email conversation with a reader who was looking for a class on all those little topics that add up into one BIG headache when you are trying to launch your design business. You can see her post about it here. (There’s also a conversation happening in the Budding Designers group on Ravelry).

So, here’s the story: we’re limiting signups to a small group of students. Class is $65 and will run for a month, as per usual, (unless I decide to extend it). If you want in, email me (admin [at] knitgrrl [dot] com) with your PayPal address. VERY excited about this one…

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  • Nichole Romano

    How will this course differ from the Design Retreat?

    Reply to Nichole Romano
  • Post authorShannon

    Hi Nichole!

    * it’s online, so you don’t have to travel
    * it lasts for a full month or more, so no ‘oh, I WISH I’d remembered to ask X’ problems
    * it will be customized, and materials developed along the way, to answer the SPECIFIC questions asked by the students/participants, instead of trying to make sure everything *I* think should be covered is covered in 6 hrs.
    * it’s asynchronous — you don’t have to carve out a certain number of hours to be in one place, you can follow along at your convenience.

    Hope that helps!

    Reply to Shannon

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