Posted in Knitting
October 28, 2003

Cascade Eco sweater nearing completion

Oh, am I in love with this sweater. I finished off the bottom with about 5-6″ of Irish moss stitch, and have only the sleeves and neck to complete. I’m thinking I’ll put more moss stitch down near the cuffs, and maybe mini cables on the neck… it remains to be seen. Pictures to come as soon as I’ve got it all together.

I used an alternating knit-and-purl bind-off at the bottom, following the same pattern established by the moss stitch. My Maggie Righetti book is right – it is a nicely elastic bind-off. However, it seems the patterned bit has flared out a little from the main body. I wonder if I’ll need to make a special effort to pull that in using blocking, or if it will resolve itself. Could go either way, we’ll see. Right now it looks a little wider than it is long, which seems to be the case with the other circular top-down sweaters I’ve done. Try it on, though, and it’s just the right length, so I’m loathe to alter the length with blocking or whatever.

I’ve got plans for a matching hat, and the garter stitch gloves from a few issues back in Spin-Off, perhaps with moss stitch cuffs. The Cascade Eco yarn remained softly pliable and a joy to knit with throughout. Don’t you hate it when yarn starts out great and is a pain by the end of the project? No such problems here.

Next up… spinning/knitting something in soy silk for my vegetarian best friend’s Christmas present. Oh, and spinning my shiny (silvery!) new fleece from Rhinebeck. It came out even better than my first big fleece, if I do say so myself. For that, I’ve got a Norwegian-y sweater in mind with white Corriedale handspun on the top 1/3 of the sweater. I might even get a little crazy and try some patterns using both colors in the middle…

In sad news, I lost the penannular broach I just bought at Rhinebeck during our trip to NYC this past weekend. Likely somewhere on the subway, which means that it’s never coming back. If you happen to see a 3-inch silver penannular on the N-R-W line somewhere near Prince Street, though, do let me know. Ha. Right.

Mmm. Now I’m thinking about New York again. We had tea at Moby’s tea shop, teany. Earl Grey créme, tasting of vanilla…yum. Although we didn’t manage to make it to any yarn stores (sigh!), I did have a great conversation about knitting with a MassArt alum who just started working in a sweater factory.

Oh, before I forget – one more thing about the Eco – it’s certainly economical. Looks like less than 3 skeins for the sweater, at this rate, and might have ended up only 2 if I hadn’t gotten my other ball stuck in a car door (where it snapped off and merrily disappeared).

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