Posts Tagged With: Book reviews

Book review: Knitwear Fashion Design: The Secrets of Drawing Knitted Fabrics and Garments
I know a lot of hand knitting designers who aren’t super confident in their drawing skills despite needing to submit…
Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett
I got the cutest book in the mail the other day: Extra Yarn, by Mac Barnett, whose website bills him…
Upcoming blog tour for Vintage Modern Knits
Coming up next week, I’ll be participating in the Vintage Modern Knits blog book tour. Here’s a sneak preview from…
Blog tour: Modern Top Down Knitting
Today I’m excited to be the opening stop on the blog tour for Kristy McGowan‘s Modern Top Down Knitting. Miriam…
Delivering Happiness…plus giveaway
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose by Tony Hsieh, the CEO of, is a fascinating read.…
Hey, sweater knitters and wanna-bes!
Recently I was offered a copy of Margaret Fisher‘s Seven Things That Can “Make or Break” a Sweater (available via…
Picture Perfect Knits
Laura Birek‘s new book Picture Perfect Knits just came out and the title is apt! From Chronicle’s site: Just what…
Interweave’s first e-book!
See? Electronic books are all the rage. First me, now Interweave. Awesome. Just in time for the holidays, it’s Christmas…
Interweave's first e-book!
See? Electronic books are all the rage. First me, now Interweave. Awesome. Just in time for the holidays, it’s Christmas…
Cupcakes and book reviews and yarn (oh my!)
Crafty Dabbler asked (in comments on this post) for my Earl Grey cupcake recipe. Admittedly, I took the cheater way…