Posted in Knitting
May 19, 2005

Seamless: Computational Couture show @ MIT

If I still lived in Boston or could make it up there in time, I’d be on the next plane, train, bus or highway!

Show details here.

Fabulous Jen Paulousky from Blue Alvarez knitted one of the designs in the show, and Elise Co, designer of the world’s coolest raincoat is featured, too. (Her Aero/astro hats are also supercool).

This reminds me of a Day of the Dead party I went to a few years ago in Somerville, MA — some people from MIT’s Media Lab showed up wearing clothing with computers built in. Here we are, not even three years later, and there’s a whole couture show featuring similar innovations!

One of these days, I’m going to design and knit a hoodie with iPod and mobile phone support, a la the Burton Amp jacket that came out a few years ago. Something like this version of Rogue, which is next on my non-self-designed “to knit list.”

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