Ravelry gifting + birthdays
My birthday’s this week. Goodbye, prime demographic…although you’d never know it, as I’m having a roller skating party. Let’s hope I don’t break anything else (I am, after all, someone who broke her elbow walking across a parking lot)!
For my birthday, I don’t want presents, I want to fill you in on a new feature over at Ravelry. (Ok, ok, 23 days old, but in case you missed it, too!) Check out any pattern for sale there…let’s say Ennis, since I happen to be wearing it at the moment.
Look in the upper right corner — now you can send it as a gift! And there’s even a wish list feature!
If you’ve had your eye on a pattern that’s available as a Ravelry download and you’d like to put it on your wish list, just add the pattern to your queue. When you edit your queue, you’ll see the box to check if you want to add the pattern to your wish list…
Check out the front page of Ravelry for all the details. The best possible present you could give me would be to give a pattern of mine to your friends so they can check it out. Perhaps Copine or Ennis? Red Lotus, Dissolve, or Rivulet? For the adventurous, there’s Exploded View, for the beginning cable knitter there’s Fetlock, or Reboux for those in the snowy north.
That reminds me, I need to hunt down my lavender Reboux sample, I could have used it in the snow this morning. First day back in the studio and it took three times as long as usual to get here!
Wishing you a fabulous, fiber-filled birthday!
Have a wonderful birthday! I hope your rollerskating party is everything you wish it will be, including no broken bones. 🙂
Happy Birthday Week! Happy Wishes and lotsa’ blessings!!!
Happy New Year and Happy Birthday – have a superfunrollerskating party!