Posted in Knitting
February 12, 2011

Using Venture Bros. to explain design concepts

We had so much fun at Loop today! I had fantastic students, everyone was really enthusiastic, it was a great time. But I think the high point, at least from my own self-amusement perspective, HAD to be when I used the Grand Galactic Inquisitor from the Venture Bros. to explain a design concept.

See, if you’re trying to use shaping to de-emphasize something, it’s not going to do you any favors to run the shaping used DIRECTLY ACROSS YOUR NIPPLE (or your hip, or whatever). You want to offset it a bit. You don’t want that point from the bust dart shaping sitting on top of your nipple unless, say, it is 1990 and you are Jean Paul Gaultier and you are dressing MADONNA. Make sense? Making the shaping super-obvious and locating it right in the middle of the thing it’s trying to de-emphasize is the equivalent of coming down, getting in that bit of shaping’s face and saying, visually: “IGNORE ME!!!”
(Ok, it made me laugh, and that’s what matters).
Thanks again, Loop, for a fantastic day!

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