Posted in Knitting
September 28, 2005

CYBURR article & other online mentions

I’m quoted in the spring 2005 edition of the Cyburr, a print-and-web publication by Kent State students. Soon, I’ll scan and post the article from the print edition — it features a photo of me going through my yarn stash not seen on the site!
The fabulous Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching has posted a photo of the legwarmers she embroidered for the book (knit by Stacey Irvine). There are several new embroidery patterns by Jenny in Knitgrrl that you can use to dress up your knits, by the way.
Finally: if you’re in Toronto or nearby, come down to Lettuce Knit in Kensington Market on Sunday afternoon (noon and later). We’ll be meeting up there after the CIBC run to have tea and sign copies of Knitgrrl. (Although we should have extra copies for sale on hand, you can also bring your own copy to be signed!)

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