Posted in Knitting
October 26, 2005

Why, hello!

No, I haven’t forgotten you, lovely knitblog. It’s just that I’m too busy knitting at the moment to give you the attention you deserve. Finishing up a few more items, doing final photo checks on spinning book stuff, and getting ready to bring on an intern. Yes, an intern. Don’t you wish you lived near me, dear knitters? Imagine a temp job where you get to knit, dye, and make fun felty things! I’m starting to schedule interviews with the applicants, which is going to be fun (I’ve asked them to bring samples of their work along). So in between getting ready for the holiday craft show season, working on the next book and doing the day-to-day things that keep Knitgrrl HQ running, it’s a wonder I have time to breathe!

I’ll post some photos when I have a chance. In the meantime, check out the Knitgrrl shop. We’re now selling patterns by the lovely and talented Glampyre, aka Stefanie Japel. This includes the infamous One Skein Wonder (keep an eye on the shop, we’ll be selling hand-dyed yarn kits for the pattern soon)! And we’re expecting new patterns from Amy Swenson at indi.knits this month, too!

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