Posted in Knitting
March 9, 2003

St. Patrick's Hat for Frances

Just finished! I spun this yarn from some Kelly green merino purchased at Mind’s Eye back in January, and only just now got around to completing the hat. It’s for my friend Frances. She can wear it on St. Patrick’s Day! The photo doesn’t show how beautifully deep the wool’s color is, very vivid. Chunky, funky yarn, because that’s what I’m best at spinning.

So far, no luck on finding the dye garden plants I want locally. I may have live seedlings sent from Companion Plants (near where I went to college — home of my all-time favorite science classes ever, Biointensive Agriculture, and Medicinal Plants of Ohio). Rubia tinctoria! Indigofera tinctoria! I hear zinnias can dye, too, and I’ve got tons of those on the way from Burpee. Reminds me of my paternal grandmother, Fern, who always planted them along her fence.

By the way, Companion Plants has some herbs and other plants you will not find anywhere else. Guaranteed. Now if only I could have my own pawpaw trees! I miss the pawpaw lassis at Casa Nueva with a passion.

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