Posted in Knitting
February 2, 2008

Psssst! Secret Decoder Ring Knitters wanted!

UPDATE: Whew, that was fast. More than ten signed up immediatement — thank you!

Do you like mystery and intrigue? Do you like getting your hands on patterns before everyone else? Do you want to be a member of my Secret Decoder Ring1 group of test knitters? You’ve come to the right place. I’m looking for some trustworthy, talented knitters to test-drive patterns before they’re released to the general public for sale.

For the current pattern, a bag, you must be able to knit in the round, cast on provisionally and do one or more of the following: Fair Isle, cables or lace.

Every pattern released to the Secret Decoder Ring Knitters works as follows:

1. No more than ten copies of the pattern will be released.
2. You can say you’re working on a SDRK pattern on your blog, Livejournal, Ravelry etc but you can’t show photos of work in progress. (With a few exceptions that will vary by pattern, and I’ll tell you what those are).
3. The first person to request the current pattern (Special Agent #1) will receive the yarn to make the pattern from me. My choice of yarns and colors. Special Agent #1 gets to keep the FO after final photography.
4. In the event Special Agent #1 fails her mission and doesn’t complete the pattern, yarn must be returned.
5. Speed counts. In scoring which bags will appear on the final pattern pages, you will get points for finishing sooner.
6. Secret Decoder Ring Knitters will get credit for their work on the Secret Decoder Ring Knitters page and on the finished pattern where possible.
7. Some SDRK FOs will be chosen for additional photography here — if your FO is chosen, I will pay for postage back and forth.
8. You will receive 2 copies of the final, completed pattern. One for you, one for a friend.

To submit for the current pattern, send email to admin [at] knitgrrl [dot] com with SECRET DECODER RING KNITTERS in the subject line. Include your name, postal mailing address and details about your knitting experience. (Specifically, can you do cabling, Fair Isle or lace?)

1Not A Christmas Story fan? Never seen a secret decoder ring before? This is what they look like — and here are some cool vintage ones. Don’t worry…patterns will be written in standard pattern language, you won’t need a decoder ring to figure them out!

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  • denny mcmillan

    I’ll knit for ya baby, bring it on.I can knit any thing. I’ll talk to you soon I have to run cause I’m teaching Hat Making 101 today at Lettuce Knit. I want the bag I want the bag.
    Love dennyx0x0x0x

    Reply to denny mcmillan
  • Alison

    I would do Fair Isle!!

    Reply to Alison
  • Amber

    I’m down with it 🙂

    I’ve done sample/test knitting before and I LOVE it! I can do any of those three things.

    Reply to Amber
  • Andrea

    Thanks for picking me. I feel so special!

    Reply to Andrea
  • TallGrrl

    Yeah, I’m late to this party. But I’d like to know if there’s still room for 1 more?
    May I play, too?

    Reply to TallGrrl

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