November 27, 2011

Pajama day!

After an overly full week (houseguests, giant dinner party, family holiday dinners with both his family and mine, running one of two big craft shows this season here in Cleveland), I woke up with a horribly sore throat and a sense of dread, since both the mister and his best friend who was here Wed-Sat have had the sniffles. ARGH.
Solution? Pajama daaaaay!
I finished knitting a second Stacked, am weaving in the ends on a Malabrigo Rasta cowl, and started swatching with my Brooklyn Tweed Loft. Later? More knitting on Nebula. Also? Turkey soup and a ton of tea. But absolutely, positively no real pants.
That’s what Pajama Day is all about.


Note my resolute refusal to leave the couch. Also, awesome pinecone jammies.

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1 comment

  • Bess

    I’m 99% certain I have the very same pajamas… and I love a good pajama day!
    Beautiful colors on the Stacked project. Feel better!

    Reply to Bess

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