Posted in Knitting
October 29, 2008

Oh, Oprah. You’re late on this one.

Oprah declares the Kindle her most favoritest thing ever. That’s, like, so August, Oprah.

(I kid, I kid! As long as she doesn’t start publishing knitting books and competing against me, I’m all in favor of her promoting my favorite gadget).

Although, Oprah, if you want to do Oprah Knits! you just call me, ‘k?

update, 3 November: daaaang… the Oprah effect is real.

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  • sharon h

    OK ,so I saw the Oprah show, thought wow, that’s a great thing, mentioned it to my hubby and 3 days later he gave me an early Christmas present. Yes, he is a GREAT guy!! So here is my question… how do we get Amazon to get more knitting books on Kindle???? The Yarn Harlot’s books aren’t even on there & she made the NYTimes list!
    I have just figured out how to get my pattern into txt and have it to take with me. Haven’t tried charts yet. I’ve only had my Kindle 3 days.

    Reply to sharon h
  • Post authorShannon

    You’ll notice the next time you’re on Amazon that right below the cover image of the book, if it’s not already available on Kindle, there will be an image of a hand holding a Kindle that says:

    Please tell the publisher: I’d like to read this book on Kindle

    Click that!

    In fact, if you’re bored…go click all of my books, would you? 🙂

    Reply to Shannon

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