Posted in Knitting
April 18, 2011

Now entering the home stretch…

Today the Cooperative Press Kickstarter campaign hit $10,000.
Ten. Thousand. Dollars.
And it’s still going strong — we’ve got 12 days left!
I am, frankly, floored. I know how passionate, how kind, how just plain amazing fiber people can be. I know that the vast majority of you are already supporting independent designers and publishers. However, putting your money where your mouth is to support the Fresh Designs series and other Cooperative Press books is something else altogether. It means so much to me, as it does to the 70+ designers involved with this project.
With 12 days left, spreading the word can really help us break through to the next level. Use the social media sharing tools to tell your friends about it. The more we can raise, the more we can do.

“Like” it, tweet it, post it on your blog — whatever works for you. And know, when you do, that you are doing something very important for indie authors and publishers, and our ability to compete in the quickly-changing world of publishing, online and off! We love you!

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