Posted in Knitting
October 17, 2008

My new shirt + Creativ Festival

(Purchased from Spun Fibre Arts at the Creativ Festival, where I’m teaching: a shirt covered in “K2 P2 K2 P2″s with “ribbed for your pleasure” in the middle. Ha! Their booth is next to ours).

The show’s going well. I’m really zonky and tired…I think I might be coming down with something. That plus surviving on nothing but caffeine all day = bad, bad, bad idea. Fortunately, the hotel bed is very lovely and squishy, I’ve got loads of yarn to knit, my students have been wonderful and I did get to make it over to Lettuce Knit for knit night (plus grab a signed copy of Laura’s superfantastic Teach Yourself Visually Sock Knitting — yay!).

I combined the wee booth I have with South West Trading Company’s next door and we’ve been chatting to people about alt fibers together. Lots of fun! I made a video of the fashion show, which I’ll upload when I get a chance. For now, it’s bed for me. I have to teach again at 9:00 a.m., which means I need to be up in…ugh, six hours and change.

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  • Wannietta

    Hiya!! Hopefully if I don’t see you at some point today we’ll meet up at the Gala tonight!

    Reply to Wannietta
  • bridget ruffing

    Thanks for sudgesting ETSY, my mom loves it, Idon’t have a site

    Bridget Ruffing, age ten.

    Reply to bridget ruffing

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