October 3, 2006

MOTC stops in Rochester

Today, the tour took us to Yarne Source in Rochester after a night filled with silly TV and some very, very fluffy hotel beds. (Hampton Inn, I salute you).

Susie and her staff were great hosts — the store is jam-packed with all kinds of fiber goodies, not just yarn. There’s buttons, yarn-related tools (her staff made some amazing scarves on the new Ashford Knitter’s Loom), and these cool weave-your-own-scarf backings. Dyeable, not the cheap plastic-y ones you see at some craft stores.

Susie designs bags, sells unusual handmade buttons (I’ll take a photo of one I bought when I have a second), and attracts avid knitters, felters, and crocheters of all ages to her cozy shop.

At left is me with Knitgrrl-fan Eve, who has considerably better taste in yarn than most people twice or three times her age. She’s my new hero…

Adrienne, a local crocheter who came to have Kim sign her books, found out that roving she gave Kristen Welsh in their local spinner’s guild holiday swap ended up in Spin to Knit. What a small world! Check out the Swedish Heart shrug and the yarn notes from Kristen after it — that pink/orange yarn was spun from something Adrienne picked out, which I then knit into my pattern! Small world, eh?

Speaking of spinning, I taught Christie (seen at right) how to use my wheel. Tomorrow afternoon we’ll be Lake Placid, NY at Adirondack Yarns for a 4:00 signing and event — come say hello, too. Who knows? Maybe you’re also in Spin To Knit and you didn’t even know it.

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1 comment

  • Adrienne

    Hi Shannon, I’m so glad I had the chance to meet you and Kim.

    I’m so thrilled to find out that my purchased roving, spun into yarn, knitted into beautiful shrug, is in your amazing book… even if it is by three degrees of separation!

    Very small world.

    Reply to Adrienne

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