Posted in Knitting
June 21, 2009

Milkmaid + Cardoon = KG CSA FFK BFF

(that’d be Knitgrrl CSA: Farm Fresh Knits best friends forever…)

Slowly but surely the pieces for my new booklet are coming together. I’ve been posting photos on Ravelry and putting up the pattern names/images as they become available. Take a look:

These are the Milkmaid mitts. The pattern also has directions for a warm headband/mini-cowl scarf in a similar stitch pattern. All three pieces (2 mitts + scarflette) take less than a skein of Malabrigo Merino Worsted. Models here are Nikol and one of her chickens (thanks!). And next up…

…variant #1 of the Cardoon market bag. What’s a cardoon, you ask? It’s a plant, sometimes called the artichoke thistle. They look like giant celery stalks and have a sort of artichoke-like flavor, and are almost never found in grocery stores in the US. (Farmer’s markets, yes. Supermarkets, no). The bag is posing with our weekly CSA share from organic goat farmer and wine guy extraordinaire, aka my childhood friend Bob.

If you knit it in cheapy, washable cotton (think “appropriate for dishcloths”) it does a nice job of keeping your lettuce from drying out if you pop it straight into the fridge. Of course, then you also get “why is there a sweater in our fridge?” comments from boyfriend dearest…

In addition, knitting it out of something washcloth-y means you can wipe your hands on it when you get dirt on them from the lovely giant green onions Bob has pulled out of the ground that morning. See? I’m really test-driving these patterns!

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  • jonquil

    will dairy goats be included in your photo shoots? years ago i helped my paternal grandmother with hers, & still have a soft spot for them.

    Reply to jonquil
  • Shannon

    They will, indeed! Just you wait…

    Reply to Shannon
  • Elizabeth

    I love those mitts! When will the booklet be available?

    Reply to Elizabeth
  • Post authorShannon

    As soon as I can manage! (A few more things to clean up, wordwise, and then photoshoot and pow!)

    Reply to Shannon
  • Karida

    Love the mitts! And also the chicken!

    Reply to Karida

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