Posted in Knitting
September 26, 2005

Have your cake and…

I know, I know. You’ve often thought to yourself: “If I had a book, I’d put its cover on everything: t-shirts, knitting gear, my resume… and cake!” What? No cake? You’re limiting yourself!

This is what the Knitgrrl cover looks like rendered in Baskin Robbins ice cream cake!

Many thanks to Peggy Strang at French Creek Fiber Arts, who had this magnificent cake made for a party with her teen knitting group last week. We checked out the finished items from Knitgrrl, ate cake, knitted, talked…

And not only was it a tasty cake of chocolatey goodness, it was a lovely group of young women, too! We had lots of fun, and even converted (oops, I mean “taught”!) two new knitters.

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  • kim

    That’s awesome! Whee!

  • Allison

    Love the cake! And I’ll have you know that when my co-worker wrote a book (a boring work-related book… not a fun one like yours) we too put the cover on a cake! It really is the cool thing to do.

    Reply to Allison

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