Posted in Knitting
February 11, 2009

CRAFT mag goes ALL digital

CRAFT magazine’s issue 10 will be their last in print. I got the heads up on this from my friend (editor Natalie Zee Drieu) on the phone today, and I am proud as can be to have been in it this time.

It’s exciting — no, it’s exhilarating to see them go in this direction. I think Natalie and the rest of the CRAFT team do a spectacular job. They’re one of my favorite media publishers to work with, hands down. That they had to post this on Twitter 15 minutes ago is a little sad to me:

Please retweet: CRAFT is far from dead, it’s only going to get better by going online-only! xoxo the CRAFT team

I have faith in them and you should, too! This is going to open up an even broader range of possibilities — super-cool possibilities! — and I am happy O’Reilly is choosing to amplify and expand the CRAFT online offerings instead of, say, just killing the print mag and saying “that’s it, we’re done” like so many others have. (I won’t name names, but some of them really made me sob).

So, kudos to CRAFT, and go buy issue #10 — it’s got Amy Sedaris on the cover and patterns from me, Nikol Lohr and Vickie Howell pictured inside, how can you go wrong? (They published my Katalin möbius wrap)

Viva la CRAFT!

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