Posted in Knitting
May 21, 2008

Benefit auction for Pippi

Amy-Boogie of Spunky Eclectic and I were wondering just what had happened to our friend Pippi Knee Socks, aka Symeon North. You never know in those Vermont mountains… for all I know, there are bears! And wildcats! And possibly monsters! So Amy and I have been emailing back and forth, trying to call Symeon — heck, I even wrote her on paper and I never do that. Well, Amy finally reached her, and here’s what’s happening:

Symeon North is going to kill me but I’m going to do this anyway.

Many of you new people will not remember her or the fabulous fiber and yarn and spirit she gave to the fiber community. Anyone that’s been around a while will remember her. Her laughter, her politics, her….just her. Many of us have worried and missed her since she disappeared.

I’ve been in contact with her off and on, when she had a phone (she hasn’t had internet for a long time). Due to a whole mess of crappy circumstances, she’s being kicked out of her home that she shares with her man and 2 kidlets. They are living on pocket lint. And I want to help. I know some of you do too.

Amy is coordinating some auctions, among them a gorgeous shawl. I’ve committed to three signed copies of the Pillow Book or any of my other books. Keep an eye on her site for further details and bid, bid, bid!

If you loved the Pippi Socks in Spin to Knit (or her spinnerly profile there), her yarn, just… well, HER, I hope you’ll put in a bid or two. Thank you.

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  • Kristen

    Wow, so sorry to hear this! While I’ve never met Symeon, she’s been on my radar for a while. As a fellow Vermonter I wonder if there is something that I can do to help….I have a small trailer out in my field they could come and stay in if they need a place to be. I’m in Central VT, and I believe that they are up North, but it’s there if they want or need it. Hell, they could move it somewhere if need be. I’ll keep my eye out for the auction. You should post it on ravelry somewhere too….

    Reply to Kristen
  • mary lou

    Hey Shannon, if you can send me Symeon’s email addy I’d be glad to send a little via paypal. I’ve been dealing with the foreclosure issue in my job and see everyday what is happening to people losing their homes.

    Reply to mary lou
  • Jen

    Oh my god, I’d been wondering what happened to her. She was supposed to be putting out her own book a year or so ago, and then I never heard about it again. I am very sorry to hear that she is not just extremely famous and/or busy, which is what I assumed when she went AWOL.

    I will definitely help in any way I can, esp. bidding on items to help get some money into their hands.

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