Everything old is new again

We knew this was coming, right? Everyone quits Facebook and goes back to blogging? HELLO FROM YOUR OG KNITBLOG FRIEND…

Why not publish a pattern a week for a year?

Well, that’s the question I asked myself, anyway! And here’s what happened… I ended up starting this. Every week, I’ll…

@whatshouldiknit Twitter-bot is live + other important things

I have to admit, this is one of the most exciting things I’ve done in a while! I created a…

Aurora Borealis Mittens is here!

I’ve been working on this book for over a year, and it’s FINALLY OUT and I could not be more…

Happy anniversary, Yarn Harlot!

Stephanie put out a call on the Twitter-Bat Phone this morning about the “Class of 2004” knitbloggers on the occasion…

Nuno thwap at Felt School

Nuno felting is a type of wet felting with a fabric base. At Felt School at the Harveyville Project (Sept/Oct…

Holiday gift-giving guide for knitters, crocheters and fiber people!

Obviously I’m biased and think you should buy all your books and patterns directly from me and/or Cooperative Press. (Hey…

I'm BACK. Holy technical error, Batman!

After MONTHS of not being able to get into my own blog software, the Miracle Worker Extraordinaire (aka Penny) did…

Hire me!

I’m looking to book additional teaching gigs this summer and this fall and have openings in my schedule that can…

Katherine Shaughnessy crewel (part 2) at my former shop

Katherine Shaughnessy crewel class excerpt (part 2) at my former shop. There’s nothing more awesome than a gym full of…