Posted in Knitting
November 3, 2002

Cast Off Knitting Club

Via Mme. Chunky and my latest issue of Vogue Knitting (thanks for the subscription, Mom! but next year — Interweave Knitting, pleeease?): Cast Off Knitting Club For Boys And Girls. More proof I need to move abroad. Heh. Here’s particularly fun bit:

This is Annie knitting a dress while wearing it, at an event in the countryside in Epping. Annie makes her own needles by whittling pieces of wood, and then knits bits of heather and grass into her dress. She also dyes the wool by rubbing in herbs and plants from her garden.

And I thought I was hardcore for learning to spin…

Then they had a link to a t-shirt of particular interest to me since my temp job with Homeland Security at Logan Airport here in Boston this summer: the Crafters are not Terrorists baby tee. Buy one!

By the way, it’s still a matter of individual screeners’ judgement whether or not they will let you through with knitting needles at the new federalized security checkpoints. One supervisor put it this way to me when I asked if I could walk through with metal DPs (I used to knit on the job all the time!): “If it’s you or someone like you, [i.e. a youngish female], no problem. If it’s a 6′ 5″ black man, no.” So. There you go. There is no definitive answer — and I hear individual airlines are also setting their own policies. British Air is one, I think. Call the airlines before you leave home if you don’t want to risk losing your needles or tiny pairs of scissors. All scissors were prohibited last I checked, though those threadcutter pendants might make it through fine if you just pretend it’s regular jewelry.

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